Your healthier home starts here

Kelliwell transforms any home into a living environment that helps protect health, immunity and well-being.
Certified Healthy Home Systems
4 EASY Steps to Healthier Living
System Delivered to Property
Everything in one package, prepped and ready to install.
Easy Install
Working with one of our
Renovation Partners or your own contractor, install is easy and usually takes one day.
The Health Benefits
The health benefits begin immediately.
People Love Healthy Homes

How The Kelliwell System Makes Your Home Healthier
100% Air Purification
Air Quality Monitoring
Ideal Drinking Water
100% Water Filtration

Air and water contaminants your Kelliwell home system will detect and remediate:
From Your Air
- Airborne viruses
- Pet dander (#1 indoor allergy source)
- Airborne mold spores, fungus
- Off-gasses (cooking, cleaning products, flame retardants, carpet, paint)
- Bacteria, dirt, sand
- Dust and dust mites
- PM2.5 (tiny particles that can burrow into your lungs and cause long-term respiratory issues)
- Pollen, grass, environmental allergens
- Wildfire smoke
- Vehicle emission, smog
- Odors from pets, cooking, etc.
From Your Water
- Treatment chemicals
- Parasites
- Heavy metals
- Pesticides
- Bacteria
- Forever chemicals
- Arsenic
- Nitrites and nitrates
- Industrial waste
- Agricultural waste
- Lead
- Pharmaceuticals
- Parabens
- Phthalates
- Chemicals linked to cancer

Health Benefits
Reducing indoor contaminants, improves conditions for overall health and well-being, including:
- Respiratory
- Cognitive
- Immunity
- Children's Development
- Metabolic Health
- Cardiovascular
- Improved Sleep
- Well-Being
- Reduced Stress
- Reproductive Health

Supported by Science & Research
We believe this is the easiest, most beneficial thing you can do to improve the indoor environment in your home and create a healthier environment for you and your family, but the science backs it up as well. We believe you’ll feel better, sleep better, and live better with purified air and water in the place you spend the most of your time — your home.

Kelliwell partners with national remodel and build firms to find an ideal installer for your home. Complete installation typically takes one day. Our team will be happy to discuss your options.
Yes, this best-in-class equipment requires simple filter changes every 9-12 months. For filters, we offer both auto ship and order-as-needed options. Our Customer portal features videos demonstrating the easy filter changes. Cost of the filters is outlined in your proposal.
Your proposal will provide details of the equipment for your specific home along with the specs. All equipment is highly-effective and chosen for your home based upon the information you provide on our pre-order form. Equipment displayed on website is among our most popular but we have multiple, best-in-class options in each category to fit the size and location of your home.
Kelliwell’s certified, toxin-removal system is designed to fit any home. No up-sells, no poor-fitting overly complicated equipment, and no more frustration trying to find the correct equipment for your home. The system includes everything for a healthier home at a fair price. We are excited to offer this comprehensive solution to help protect health, immunity and well-being.